The A/B Testing Fallacy: How to Develop a Pricing Strategy that Really Works

The A/B Testing Fallacy: How to Develop a Pricing Strategy that Really Works

A/B testing may seem like the move, but in reality, you’ll just be frustrated and no closer to the right price. Learn why.

Think A/B testing pricing is the way to go?

Think again.

It might seem like a quick and easy solution, but in reality, you’ll just be frustrated and no closer to the right price.

Here’s why…

A/B testing pricing will not get you the statistically significant results you’re looking for due to the enormous traffic required; coupled with the different personas you’re selling to, it would take months, if not years, for some B2B SaaS companies to get meaningful results.

And here’s the kicker, A/B testing pricing is just a fancy way of guessing what your customers are willing to pay. Making small incremental changes will not get you to the right price; it will just get you to a different one.

So, what’s the solution?

Instead of relying on A/B testing, invest in understanding your customers. Talk to them, gather insights on their needs and pain points, find your prospect’s willingness to pay through research, and develop a pricing strategy that aligns with that. Test it with a small group of customers, gather feedback, and refine it before rolling it out.

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The A/B Testing Fallacy: How to Develop a Pricing Strategy that Really Works

Visionary entrepreneur and SaaS pricing expert, guiding startups to thrive and make global impacts.