[Video] Master Your Pricing Page: The 4-Step Audit Framework for Maximum Conversion

[Video] Master Your Pricing Page: The 4-Step Audit Framework for Maximum Conversion

Unlock the secrets to a successful SaaS pricing page: Clarity, Confidence, Packaging, and Action.

[Video] Master Your Pricing Page: The 4-Step Audit Framework for Maximum Conversion

The training I delivered to a group of B2B SaaS founders in September 2022 that inspired this post.

Unlocking the secrets to a successful SaaS pricing page

Clarity, Confidence, Packaging, and Action 🔍💪📦💥

Part 1: Clarity 🔍

It's all about the right focus - who are you selling to, and what are they buying? 🧐 Many pricing pages use generic terms like "pro", "starter", or "grow". But that's not enough.

Your customers must see themselves on the page and know what plan suits them. 🤔 Use language that they use to describe themselves and make sure they see themselves reflected. If they're freelancers, talk about freelancers.

For example, Revo has a plan with the tagline for "solo entrepreneurs looking for essentials to get started." Perfect! 👌

And when it comes to what they're buying, be clear and concise about the benefits. 🤷‍♂️ A well-crafted statement can have a big impact. Buffer has a great example: "Publish flawlessly, analyze effortlessly, engage authentically." vs something more generic like “Pricing plans for everyone” 📊

Part 2: Confidence 💪

Confidence is the next step after clarity. To build confidence in your buyers, consider these three strategies: social proof, support, and risk reversal.

🤝 Social proof can be in the form of case studies, testimonials, or reviews, showing who has used your software and the results they got.

💬 Providing support through context-aware chat, FAQs, articles, phone, and email gives buyers the reassurance they can get help if needed.

🔙 Risk reversal options such as free trials, 30-day guarantees, or money-back guarantees offer buyers peace of mind if the product doesn't work for them.

Part 3: Packaging

Now we get to the exciting part - the packaging! When it comes to packaging, there are two important things to consider.

💡 Value Metric

First up, we have the value metric. This is essentially the unit in which you sell your software that aligns with your customers' growth as they use it. 🤔 A lot of companies go with user seats because it's simple, but a better approach is to align with the value you deliver to your customers.

For example, Dropbox sells on storage because that makes sense - the more files you want to store, the more storage you need to pay for. Other examples include bandwidth, the number of videos hosted or played, etc.

💡 The key is to pick a value metric that is clear and in your customer's language. If they get confused about your pricing, they won't buy. 🚫 So, stick with a metric that makes sense to them.

💥 Differentiation

The other important aspect of packaging is differentiation. 🧐 The differences between your packages must be clear and obvious, so your customers can easily understand what they're getting.

When building software, adding all the cool new features to your pricing page is tempting. But instead, focus on the features that matter most to each persona. 👀 This will make it easy for customers to see what sets each package apart and identify which is right for them.

🚫 Avoid building a giant grid with every feature comparison. Instead, link to it on another page if necessary. The focus should be on the differences between packages and the value delivered to each persona.

💻 If done right, you'll end up with three to five key differences between each package, making it easy for customers to understand the value of each plan. 💰

Part 4: Action!

🔥 This one's crucial because it's all about getting the customer to convert to the next step!

🧐 Consistency: Use the same call to action everywhere. No need to confuse with multiple CTAs. Use the same language, button style, and colour everywhere. Keep it simple.

🚀 Obvious: Don't make customers hunt to find the action button! Make it easy and obvious. No one wants to spend time searching! Make a confident decision by having clear CTAs.

👍 Try to avoid confusion with too many options like "talk to sales", "book a demo", and "start a trial". Stick with one main CTA.

Use this framework to evaluate your page's clarity, confidence, packaging, and action. Use a traffic light system: green for good, yellow for improvement needed, and red for urgent fix. Good luck, and let's make changes! 🚀

Here’s the video that inspired this post; I cover the whole framework plus more in the video above.

[Video] Master Your Pricing Page: The 4-Step Audit Framework for Maximum Conversion

Visionary entrepreneur and SaaS pricing expert, guiding startups to thrive and make global impacts.